
Go, Go, Go!

I thought that Monday was busy, but after today, it was a slow day!  Yes, I am sitting down and writing this post at 10:00 p.m.  If it weren’t for the challenge, I know I wouldn’t write this post.  However, I really enjoy writing, and I am going to make it a priority in my life, even after the challenge is over.  

For my post today, I am going to write down ten things I am grateful for.  I have always liked the idea of a gratitude journal, but I have never started one.  Since I like lists, I might as well combine the two ideas and write a list of the things I am grateful for.

1.  My family – 1 husband, 4 kids and a dog – never a dull moment!

2.  My parents – I love them!

3.  My faith – I may be very quiet about it, but it is strong.

4.  My career – I have found something I am good at and enjoy, and I feel fortunate to work with students who want to go into teaching ESL.

5.  My house – It is safe and warm and a place that people enjoy just hanging out.

6.  My health – Something I should not be taking for granted!

7.  My co-workers – They listen to me and are there to help me get things done.

8,  Sleep – It seems elusive sometimes, but tonight, I don’t think I will have any difficulty falling asleep…….

Maybe I need to cut my list to eight tonight.  It is time to go to bed.  I have run…out……of……steam.