
Slice of Life – 2019

I cannot believe it has been almost four years since I have written and updated my blog.  My last post was from March 31, 2015.  Wow, have things changed in my life.  I’ll fill you in on that throughout the month.

I am going to do the Slice of Life Challenge for the third time.  I completed it in 2013, 2014, and 2015.  I am excited about conquering this challenge again.  I am going to make it a priority to write each and every day for the month of March.  I find that when I have a goal in mind, it gives me the boost and the motivation needed to get it done.

Just how do I plan on accomplishing this goal?  Here is a slice of what life is going to be like for me during the month of March…

  1.  Make it a priority to write for at least 15 minutes each and every day.
  2. Observe the world around me and share my unique point of view.
  3. Find small things to focus on.  Things that speak to me by either making me happy, sad, thoughtful, inquisitive, pause or whatever speaks to me on any particular day.
  4. Post my thoughts and wait patiently for comments.
  5. Post thoughtful comments about what other people have written.  It is great to write for an audience who actually reads what is written.
  6. Enjoy the month!  It is going to fly by way too fast.

I cannot wait to get started sharing ideas and interacting with others during the month of March.  I have missed this.  I am so glad that I have decided to take on the challenge once again.

5 thoughts on “Slice of Life – 2019

  1. Welcome back! Slicing helps you find your voice. Focus on a “bit” of writing – even around a picture or two. Once you get started it becomes addictive! You can do this! 🙂

  2. Welcome back! This is my third year, and I agree with Fran (above) that writing (and Slicing) is addictive. If you are looking for a little daily incentive and some writing ideas, perhaps you’ll join us in the Teach Write Facebook group. It’s a wonderfully supportive community! You can find out more at https://www.teachwrite.org/. Happy Slicing!

  3. Fran this is year two for me and I am excited and nervous. Posting your goal for the challenge as a simple list makes it seem very doable! I am looking forward to reading your posts!

  4. Sounds like the break from the SOLSC gave you a recharge! Wishing us all luck on the journey this month!

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