
Keep Trying, Take a Break, and Try Again

For some reason, I really want to crochet a wrap/shawl for myself.  I have no idea why I want to do this or why I think that it is something that I would like.  I just started crocheting about a year ago, and in that time, I have made two afghans (one as a gift and one for our couch), numerous little items (washcloths, coasters, purses) and one sweater (never worn yet).  I have given some things away, and some thing I have used while others sit in my closet for a variety of reasons..  Anyway, I don’t know why I have this obsession with making a shawl, but I do.  I found yarn that I love for it and then started looking for a pattern, which I think is the wrong way to approach this type of project, but it is what it is.  I started two different patterns and couldn’t really figure out either one.  I got frustrated and put the idea aside for the night, and I went back to it this morning.  I decided to try the pattern I thought I liked again, and, once again, I found it frustrating.  I decided to try the first pattern I gave up on one more time.  As I was reading, I realized that I didn’t read one important line.  The line that explained why I couldn’t figure out the pattern in the first place.  Now, the pattern makes sense, and I was able to get started on it.

I wonder how many times I have missed some small, but very important detail.  Something that, if I had noticed, would have changed my perception in some significant way.  Small details may just seem like tiny things, but can change the outcome of something in a very dramatic way.  Plus, just being willing to revisit something that I was, at one time, willing to give up on is something that I try to instill in my kids.  Perseverance, never give up, is a quality that is very important to me.  See, it does pay off!

I know what I am doing now. Can’t wait to finish it!

2 thoughts on “Keep Trying, Take a Break, and Try Again

  1. Sometimes our eyes skip over the one thing that pulls it all together. Good for you going back and trying again. Soon you will be wrapping yourself in a warm shawl on chilly evenings. Love the yarn!

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